Enjoy 2 kits at a reduced price, plus free delivery! Our seeds available were chosen for their ease of growing, ensuring you a fuss free way to enjoy micro-greens indoors. Each kit comes equipped with everything you need, with easy step by step instructions for you & your family!
Our available seeds are;
Lolla lettuce / Red Beet / Cai Xin / Kang Kong / Rocket (Aragula) / Red Amaranth / Mizuna / Celery / Red Spinach
*Select any 2 seeds per kit
How to order:
Kindly list down the specific seeds you wish to purchase in this manner;
Kit 1 - Celery & Caixin
Kit 2 - Kangkong & Red Beet
Gift cards:
Please note down the message you wish for us to write in the format below. If no writing is required, simply leave it blank!
Message 1 - xx
Message 2 - xx
*All items sold are non-refundable.
Family Planting Kit Bundle
2x Trays
2x Soil pack
2x Seed pack of your choice
1x Instruction Manual
1x Colouring sheet